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Mrs. Hendricks' Mad Science Lab
Mad Ecologists

We are at a crossroads in history and it is time for us to take a stand as the caretakers of our world!

What can I do?

There are so many little things we can do to take care of our environment. Here is a short list of easy things you can do.

1. Don't Litter. Would you like someone throwing their trash in your room?
2. Recycle. Recycle anything you can. It saves energy and space in landfills.
3. Instead of buying bottled water, encourage your family to buy washable water bottles and a water filter. It's cheaper and safer for the environment.
4. Use compact fluorescents. They save energy and money on your monthly bill. Also, they last longer. One thing to note is that they cannot be thrown in the trash. Call your county to find out how to dispose of them.

5. Use reusable shopping bags. They cut down on the waste of plastic bags.

6. Buy local produce. It takes fossil fuels and packaging to send produce across country. Plus, if bought locally, you are more aware of the environment it comes from.

7. Turn the water off while brushing your teeth.

8. Turn off the lights when you are not in a room.

9. Clean with vinegar. Vinegar is an excellent antibacterial cleaner plus it is inexpensive.

10. Donate. Instead of throwing out things you don't want, donate them to an organization that could use them to help others.

* Ongoing extra credit.
Any student who makes one of these changes can turn in a short description of it and how it affects their family and environment for extra credit. See me for details.


Facts you should know:

The Smoky Mountains is the MOST polluted national park.

More than 20 percent of the world oxygen is produced in the Amazon Rainforest.

Amphibians are very sensitive to changes in their environment. If there is a problem with frogs in an area, the environment has been compromised. Our world frog population is now in serious trouble because of pollution.

The 20th century's last two decades were the hottest in 400 years and possibly the warmest for several millennia.

Montana's Glacier National Park now has only 27 glaciers, versus 150 in 1910.
