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Mrs. Hendricks' Mad Science Lab

The Lab

The science lab can be an exciting and educational place. This is where we take what we learn in the classroom and apply it to hands-on activities. As fun and exciting as it is, it can also be dangerous if we do not follow the rules. Below, I will discuss things we need to remember in the lab.

Science Beakers

What I need to know before I go into the lab!

1. Listen: You must be able to hear my instructions. If I am speaking, you must be quiet and listen. This is the only way you will know what is going on.

2. Gear: You must always wear your safety gear. This may include: apron, gloves, goggles. I will give you instructions on the gear at the beginning of class.

3. Dress: You must dress appropriately on the day of the lab. The following is the dress code for lab day:
Closed toe shoes.
No jewelry.
Long hair must be tied back.
If you have long sleeves, they must be rolled up.
No contacts (If we are working with chemicals)
No baggy shirts or pants.
4. Horseplay: The lab is not the place to play around. Do not run, jump, wrestle or sit on any tables or stations.

5. Eating: There is NO food, drink or gum allowed in the lab. Also, everything we use in the lab is to be treated as a chemical. Even if it is food, ect, YOU DO NOT EAT IT!

6. Safety: Always follow my instructions. Do not experiment on your own. This is dangerous. Do not put anything in or around your face. Do not sniff items.

7. Cleanliness: You will be required to fully clean your station and equipment before you leave. I will inspect each station before you leave.

8. Take it with you: You are to take NOTHING out of the lab without my permission.

This may sound harsh but if these rules are broken by any student, the following will happen:
1st offense
1. Infraction
2. Suspended from next lab.

2nd offense
1. Infraction
2. Suspended from ALL labs.

If any equipment is broken as a result of misuse, you are responsible for replacing it.

Trust is needed in the lab. If I cannot trust you to act appropriately, there will be no labs. Your safety is my primary concern. If we cannot safely do labs, there will be no labs.

Three eyed spider

Safety First!
There are certain protocols in case of accidents. They are listed below:
1. If something is broken, step away and raise your hand. Do not attempt to clean it up.
2. If you spill something. Step away and raise your hand. Do not attempt to clean it up.
3. If you get a chemical on you, send your lab partner to get me. Do not try to clean it off or ignore it.

4. If something catches on fire, step away and get me. Do not attempt to put the fire out.

5. If you feel like something is wrong, raise your hand.

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Lab Safety