
Topic: Biodiversity
Yes, we have started our inventory! We have had some great information already gathered by the Mad Scientists Club and students. Last Friday, our club started the Butterfly inventory. We caught and released four butterflies. We had 2 types of skippers and a Painted lady. It was a greta start. Students have brought in rotten fruit to attract them to our school yard. This makes local butterflies more attracted to our school yard. We will continue this on Friday. Also, we are excited to say that we rescued several frogs and released them back into the habitat. So far, it has been 2 Eastern Cricket frogs and 1 Cope's Tree frog. Students have done an excellent job of identifying the importance of these frogs to our environment! Great job guys and I look forward to adding more information to our inventory.
Posted by avhendricks
at 5:17 PM EDT